
Parents are supposed to feed their children.

Did yours?

Parents are supposed to make sure their children eat healthy food.

Did yours?

If they didn’t

then you are malnourished.

It’s a fact.

This creates a physical effect.

It impacts how healthy you are

as an adult.

This is isn’t rocket science.

It’s common sense.

You will have vitamin deficiencies,

an underdeveloped immune system,


and other assorted issues.

If you have any sense at all

you will address this

absence of nourishment

in your early years.

You will visit a nutritionist


discuss the matter.

You will

take her advice,

take her supplements,


learn how to feed yourself


with what you lacked

as a child.

There is no stigma attached to this –

You are simply hungry!

gustav klimmt

gustav klimmt

Parents are supposed to love their children.

Did yours?

Parents are supposed to make sure their children are nurtured and validated.

Did yours?

If they didn’t

then you are malnourished.

It’s a fact.

This creates emotional effects.

It impacts how whole you are

as an adult.

This isn’t rocket science.

It’s common sense.

You will have emotional deficiencies,

an underdeveloped sense of self,


and other assorted issues.

If you have any sense at all

you will address this

absence of nourishment

in your early years.

You will visit a therapist


discuss the matter.

You will

take her advice,

take her prescription,


learn how to feed yourself


with what you lacked

as a child.

There should be no stigma attached to this –

You are simply hungry.


A therapist is really just an emotional nutritionist !!!!!

It is only ignorance in our society that tells us there is any stigma attached to addressing the mental/emotional needs that arise out of lack in our childhoods.




Are you aware of any consequences in your adult life of a lack of validation or nurturing in your early years?

Please share the ways you have discovered to feed and nurture yourself now – it will help others in the same boat.

6 Responses to “HUNGRY ?”

  1. it is so good to see you again, and i have been working for many years to fill up with what i was not given enough of. i have learned that it is my job to find ways to fill myself up and i have begun to do so. beth

    • hey you – yes its good to be back – its the first piece ive written since detox – Im not through withdrawal yet but i think i may be through the worst.
      This was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend this morning – we were talking about the fact that therapists and psychiatrists are really simply emotional nutritionists helping us heal the damage done by malnutrition of the soul !!!! I hope you continue to find soul food that satisfies Beth x

  2. Soul food, this is so true. Happy you are back, and feeling a bit better.

what do you think?